Highlights from Announcements 9/27/21
Enjoy the fall days by spending time outside. Looking for activities? Try apple picking! See the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County’s list of U-Pick apple farms.
Update and Reminder about Daily Check
On Friday, Cornell moved to COVID-19 Alert Level Green status in response to a decline in cases on campus. Provost Michael Kotlikoff, Vice President for Student and Campus Life Ryan Lombardi, and Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer Mary Opperman issued a statement about the change in status.
Today, Cornell clarified which students must still complete the Daily Check in compliance with the NY-HERO Act. An update is a posted on the Cornell’s COVID-19 website. Students are not required to complete the Daily Check unless they are employed by the university in hourly positions. Graduate students who receive a stipend (i.e., GRAs, TAs, and RAs) from the university do not need to complete the Daily Check.
Six Postdocs Honored with Achievement Awards

Six postdoctoral scholars have been honored with Postdoc Achievement Awards, as part of Cornell’s celebration of National Postdoc Appreciation Week, celebrated Sept. 20-24. Awards recognize excellence in community engagement, leadership, and mentoring. Read more about the awardees.
Student Spotlight
Alex Ogbonna is a doctoral candidate in plant breeding from Imo State, Nigeria. After attending Imo State University as an undergraduate, he chose to pursue further study at Cornell for numerous reasons, including the faculty and research. Ogbonna is a 2021 NAPB Borlaug Scholar.
Check out our other student spotlights and learn about students’ research, hobbies, and experiences at Cornell.
Government Doctoral Student’s Co-Edited Book Forthcoming
Paul Lushenko, a doctoral student in government, has a co-edited book forthcoming and was recently promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army.